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Kristen BurneyOffline

    • Profile picture of Kristen Burney

      Kristen Burney

      3 days, 4 hours ago

      How are people that work full-time sedentary jobs and have evening commitments a few times a week and family they need to spend time with or take care of — how do people ma Abe these things And getting strength training And 8-10k steps a day?? I am struggling. When I walk while working I am getting a kink/tight muscle in my lower back from the imbalance of one hand being on the mouse pad and the other by my side— or when I have to work from the office I don’t know what to do. I’m always late for work from being at the gym too long just to strength train and get a basic shower in; and that means I have to bring so much stuff with me I look like I’m moving into the gym. Any simple hacks or tricks people use would be great! I watched the episode on time management. But still struggling.

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