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Kellie ClaflinOffline

    • Profile picture of Kellie Claflin

      Kellie Claflin

      7 months, 1 week ago

      Had a scary experience on my walk today. A loose dog came at us with his owner running behind but he went after one of my dogs. Which made the other one go crazy in defense of his brother. Fortunately the other dogs owner got him before anyone got hurt and a couple cars even stopped to offer help. I pulled my dogs away and we hurried up the street. I was shaky and sweating and was just going to go home but then I looked down at both dogs and they looked up at me and I just knew they needed us to keep going. Probably some adrenaline for them too right? So we walked it off and then they both took a huge nap. 😊. I am very glad it ended up OK. I think we will take a different route tomorrow.

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