7 months, 2 weeks ago
I got over my 10k steps in today. My training for my meet really sucked. I kept getting call after call. Then I just lost 100% mood. Anyone else experience this? I can’t just not answer my calls
The worst! I have to schedule my work out super early in the morning because it is the only time I can do it. Otherwise, same as you. Life just gets in the way. And honestly, it is hard. It never gets easier to get up that early. But if that is not an option, maybe change your message while working out to say something like, “I’m working on something right now, if it can’t wait, please hang up and call me right back, but if it can wait an hour, please leave a message.” That way you can ignore the first call and if they call back, you can be interrupted. It isn’t a perfect solution because you are still looking and paying attention to your phone but maybe it will cut down on the amount of times you need to actually answer it.
Those small distractions can really take us out of the zone. If you can train at a time where you are able to put your phone on silent mode, that would be best! Hopefully tomorrows training goes better, you got this Brad!