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Brad ClarkOffline

    • Profile picture of Brad Clark

      Brad Clark

      1 month, 2 weeks ago

      I haven’t joined the challenge but I’ve been working on my 10k steps. I get up each morning to do a 20 minute walk at 4.1 mph. That really helps me get my steps in for the day. I’m also got invited to compete in the WABDL world final championship powerlifting meet in Las Vegas in November. I’ve got about 12 lbs to drop to make weight. I’m trying to drop weight so that I don’t have to do a dramatic cut like I did last meet.

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      • Congratulations on the invitation! And good job with the steps!

      • That is awesome, congrats on the invitation! You got this, let us know if you need any help!

        • Thanks, my main hurdle is trying to get my macros right to where I can drop the weight slowly without loosing my strength gains. I”Today, I’m 211..I need to be 198 or under the morning before the meet. I can do a cut right before the meet and make weight, but at my last meet I feel it cost me the world record in bench. I’ve also got some major obstacles between now and then that will make it hard to stay on track nutrition wise.

      • I love this! how can we support you Brad!

        • Cass, the support that I need the most is accountability to push training and keep my nutrition in check lol. I’m open to any advice.
          I’m pretty sure at this moment I will be breaking world records again…if I make weight lol

      • Awesome Brad! I just signed up for my first ever powerlifting meet. October 19th!! Got any suggestions for a program to follow.

        • Craig, that’s awesome. You will love it. The powerlifting community is very helpful and seems like everyone cheers everyone on. It’s addicting too me. October 19 is a good date. I’m getting married that day. Let me know how your meet goes.

        • MAPS Powerlifting from the guys at Mind Pump Media is a great program. I ran it last year but had to modify it slightly. I only have one hand ( I wear a Prothesis) so dumbbell work is pretty dangerous for me. I am currently doing a 3×5 at 75% to 90% 1RM for my squat, bench, and deadlift. I run 75% for a few weeks then bump up to 80%, then to 90%. I still work accessory exercises up until the last month, then I just focus on my 3 main lifts and continue to run increase my 1RM till the week of the meet. I’ll do only my openers the week of the meet.
          This is mainly how I have done in the past and it has seemed to work but I’m always open to any advice. Good luck in your competition. I can’t wait to hear your results.