9 months, 3 weeks ago
Sunday meal prep tip for this week. Keep it simple. Bulk prep your protein (chicken, beef, ground turkey, fish, etc) your carbs (rice, potatoes, pasta, etc) and your veggies (broccoli, asparagus, green beans, etc) all together and then portion out. I put my veggies and carbs on a sheet pan and roast them together in the oven with seasoning of your choice. I use the crock pot, Traeger or air fryer to make all my meat. You can cook everything at the same time and then portion them out. Saves you a ton of time. Happy Sunday. When you fail to plan then you plan to fail! Be prepared and crush this week! 💪🏼🙌🏼
I also love to roast a whole large sheet pan of veggies for the week! 😋