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Heather MunafoOffline

    • Profile picture of Heather Munafo

      Heather Munafo

      4 months, 2 weeks ago

      Yesterday almost took me out, guys. Difficult conversations are my least favorite thing, and there were many of them. I’m a pretty upbeat person, but that day I woke up grouchy and filled with all kinds of negative emotions.
      What’s funny though, even when in my mind the lat thing I wanted to do was all the challenge tasks (especially the gratitude and meditation), I did everything on automatic.
      When my calendar alerted me it was time to do the tasks I just got up and got my shoes, I automatically went to my bedroom to mediate, and I put my water bottles in the fridge to chill. Once I knocked out a few items, it was very easy to follow the habit loop I’ve built these last two weeks to finish the rest of the tasks.
      And at the end of all that, I was in such a better mindset to handle life that day.
      So, today I’m just so thankful for this challenge and structure. My mind can be chaos, life can be chaos, and I find so much peace in the structure. ❤️

      Very thankful for this challenge and all you amazing go-getters!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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