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Kristi WendricksOffline

    • Profile picture of Kristi Wendricks

      Kristi Wendricks

      5 months ago

      I didn’t get an outside walk in today. I should have gotten up earlier to do it this morning. It was pretty bad outside with tornado warnings tonight. Just raining now though. I wasn’t sure I was going to get the gallon of water in but I did it. My coworker thought I was crazy. We had some driving to do today and we had to stop a couple of times so I could go to the bathroom. Luckily he was a good sport about it. I started the day off with a cold shower and I’m quite proud I’m still getting it colder everyday. It was quite the wake up! I’m starting the shower with cold and finishing in the hot. I feel like if I end in the cold I won’t warm up after it. I don’t know such a mind game the cold water!

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