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      Key Collective

      5 months ago

      30-Day Strong Starting May 1st‼️

      We are excited to announce we will be running our 30-Day Strong Challenge exclusively to our Key Community. This challenge is designed to help use get our habits back in check. For those of you that will be finishing the Calorie Deficit Challenge, this is a perfect challenge to transition to. Below are more details on the Challenge.

      Each day for 30 days you will complete:
      – A 30-minute walk outside.
      – Drink 1 gallon of water.
      – Read 5 pages from a self-help book.
      – 10 Minutes meditation of your choice.
      – Write 3 gratitudes
      – Complete a 60 second cold shower.
      * Optional: Nutrition compliance.

      Prizes include:
      – $200 Cash
      – $250 In supplements (Legion & Cured)
      – Free month in The Collective

      Let us know your questions below. We will announce details on how to join shortly. Also, don’t miss tomorrow’s call for an opportunity to ask questions and learn more from Brad.

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