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Louisa RiuttaOffline

    • Profile picture of Louisa Riutta

      Louisa Riutta

      5 months, 1 week ago

      Hey everyone! Just new to the collective. I am trying to cut right now, and was wondering if you had any tips to work on not having as many “BLT’s” (bites, licks, and tastes) as Brad would call them. Those are always what gets me. Thanks in advance!

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      • Hey Louisa! I’ve found the best way to be – making sure I have snacks around that fit my macros that I can enjoy in the place of other foods

      • I have been more aware of BLT’s. If I know I will be tempted in a particular circumstance (like when guests and perhaps different / yummy foods and treats are around), I actually plan them with an allowance of sorts for my day. I also log them immediately and assess them honestly in MFP to balance. By knowing I have to log them right away, it takes some of the “fun” out of having them. It reduces the times and the portions – haha Good luck — it’s a tricky one for sure.