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Mandy McbeanOffline

    • Profile picture of Mandy Mcbean

      Mandy Mcbean posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      5 months, 4 weeks ago

      Busy day at the clinic today, but stayed on track. It’s a beautiful day in Washington so just finished a nice long walk with my husband and my dog.

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      • Nice! Being busy is awesome

      • Very Nice, Mandy! I’ll be skiing again hopefully this weekend, then might pack up the winter stuff and start pulling out the hiking gear and kayak to start exploring. I need to find some more walking places – my neighborhoods surrounding me are getting dull. Maybe if I had a doggo to walk…. 🙃

        • I can’t wait for warm weather. I’m gonna do more paddle boarding this year for sure. I LOVE to hike but the rattlesnakes are so bad in central Washington where I live that I won’t hike here. 🙁 If I don’t have my husband or my dog to walk I just throw on some headphones and turn on a podcast to listen to.