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Dana LimperisOffline

    • Profile picture of Dana Limperis

      Dana Limperis posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      5 months, 4 weeks ago

      GREAT Collective call today — Loved it! Thank you Brad and Cass! SO GOOD.
      Had a great coaching call with Brad and adjusted my macros for a couple weeks “blitz” (I think that is what you called it, Brad…) to hopefully overcome a bit of a plateau / stall. Actually loved the new macros today and hit them fairly easily. Not hungry and had great energy all day. They might be a stretch if eating out but we shall see. I am committed to this journey.
      Had another great workout today and hit some PR’s with a few exercises. Feeling strong. 💪🏻
      Calories – 19 under
      Protein – ‘Perfect’ (thank goodness for beef jerky snack and the scale magic at end of day to round this out – haha)

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