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Michelle FiliaultOffline

    • Profile picture of Michelle Filiault

      Michelle Filiault

      8 months ago

      Hi everyone! I am 56 and I live in western MA. I’m a registered nurse and a board-certified nurse coach. I was at my fittest about 5 years ago. I was doing CrossFit, running, biking, all the things. I had some injuries and transitioned to kettlebell training, then to power lifting. Then Covid hit and my amazing gym closed. As an ER nurse, I was face to face with Covid for too long. Between that, a difficult breakup, and my mom getting sick and eventually passing away… my fitness hit the back burner. During Covid, I joined Beachbody (I’m sure that’s a 4 letter word around here – LOL) and got used to working out according to my own schedule, but have not kept up with it consistently. There are no local gyms that I am interested in joining, but over time I have gradually built up a darned decent home gym, including kettlebells, dumbbells, a light barbell with about 75 lbs of weights, treadmill, bike, rower, and more. I’ve been following Brad on IG and the podcast for a couple of years and he has become one of the few voices I feel I can trust in this area. My goals are to develop a CONSISTENT health and fitness program with exercise and food tracking. Sure, I could lose 10 pounds, but that is not my focus. My focus is more around health, staving off high blood pressure and high cholesterol (I work in Cardiac Rehab now so hearts are my biz) and gaining strength. Basically, I want to be very confident that I am “walking my walk” as a nurse and as a coach. For fun, I love to hike!

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