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Key CollectiveOffline

    • Profile picture of Key Collective

      Key Collective posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      6 months, 1 week ago

      How’s everyone feeling? Let us know your wins from this week, and what you intend on improving next week below. 👇

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      • Wins are kicking ass with my macros and praying everyday no matter what. I need to improve on journaling and relaxing when needed. I always feel guilty if I’m not constantly doing something. A little bit of ADHD going on. Time to chill and enjoy the moments I have in peace. Meditate.

        • My priorities have stayed priorities. Which is eating good and hitting the gym. Without those two things during this time with travelling a hour almost everyday to see Walter’s mama in hospice would be so hard mentally. So I’m happy we’ve been able to stick with it 🥹 this week or next Monday I would like to book the spa 🧖‍♀️ we need a day to rest. So that’s my goal guess is to improve time to rest and recoup

      • Win for the week was staying on plan every day and getting in all 4 planned workouts! I struggled a few days wanting to slip back into “Vacation” mode, but I stuck with it! Next week I am planning to stay just as consistent.

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