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Brandy KirtonOffline

    • Profile picture of Brandy Kirton

      Brandy Kirton

      8 months ago

      Will you have more 3 day a week training programs that are advanced? I need to be able to train two days back to back. My lifting days are M-T -F and crossfit on Thursdays.

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      • Hey Brandy! We will be rolling out more training programs. With time the library should eventually get to the point where there is a training program for all scenarios.

        However, I will put in a rush for a 3 day split for more advanced lifters! We are releasing a 4 day split by tomorrow as well.

        Also, our Train with Brad series is technically a 3-day split (Push, Pull, Legs). He just repeats it without a break. I think following that 3 day split would pair well with your situation and hopefully we will have a dedicated 3-Day advance split up soon!

        • That is great to hear. Will the programs update on an ongoing basis? So, every 8-12 weeks, a new program comes out?

          • Yes, exactly. We actually expect programs to be rolling out more frequently than that in the beginning as well!