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Kayla JohnsonOffline

    • Profile picture of Kayla Johnson

      Kayla Johnson posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      1 year ago

      I did a refuel yesterday and adjusted my calories and protein a bit. Feeling much better today. I’m glad I listened to my body and am figuring out what it needs. I also got the Kreatures of habit oatmeal. After three days, I finally tried it cold and it’s much better that way. So far, maple is my favorite.

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      • Yes! Glad you’re feeling a bit better! Good job listening to your body

      • I have a hard time wrapping my head around cold oatmeal. Do you make it and then put it in the fridge?

        • I just pour water on it in the morning and eat it right away. The directions say to put it in the fridge overnight, but I prefer a more crunchy texture.