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Kayla JohnsonOffline

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      Kayla Johnson posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      1 year ago

      So, it’s been 10 days following my calorie and protein goals and I think i need to make an adjustment. At the end of the day I feel exhausted, my bowels are doing funky things (stomach cramps, constipated, diarrhea) and my libido is non existent. I have lost a significant amount of weight for me (down about 5 lbs). Suggestions on what to tweak first? I started taking my vitamins again.

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      • That’s a lot, you definitely shouldn’t be feeling like that. I’d maybe start with 100 calories per day ( that’s if some of the weight is water weight) if your protein is around a gram per lb I’d try upping your carbs for more energy

      • Yea you def need to increase! Shouldn’t be feeling that way, probably way too low!

      • I would definitely increase 100-150 calories. More in carbs if your protein is adequate.