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Key CollectiveOffline

    • Profile picture of Key Collective

      Key Collective posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      6 months, 3 weeks ago

      Current Standings:
      1st – Ingrid Majano (56 points)
      2nd – Mandy Mcbean (55 points)
      3rd – Dana Limperis (49 points)
      4th – Lauren Dostert (47 points)
      4th – Walter Majano (47 points)

      *These numbers are not including today and yesterday’s stats.

      Profile PhotoProfile PhotoProfile Photo +3 liked this
      • Keep it up everyone, we are just getting started!

        Remember, you earn points daily by:
        5 points – within 100 of calories
        5 points – within 10g of protein
        up to 3 points – Commenting or making post (outside of posting numbers)

      • Heck yeah! Keep up the good work everyone!!! It’s so nice to have a group of people that want this as bad as I do and help lift each other up. I’m sad I haven’t been able to be on calls but work has been so busy and I can’t get away. 😭

      • Nice job everyone! This motivation is awesome 👏

      • Way to crush it everyone! From my calorie/protein I’ve calculated 55 points for myself. Can you let me know what I’m missing for my calculations? I’ve been submitting through the submission link.

      • I think I missed the point system info, but no matter! I love the support of this group!

      • Ooops — Are we supposed to be submitting through the overview link every day? I’ve been posting photos and summary here in posts each day. I submitted my macro goals at the beginning through the link. I don’t want to make this harder for y’all to track. Please let me know. THANK YOU! 🙃

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