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Alyssa CarnahanOffline

    • Profile picture of Alyssa Carnahan

      Alyssa Carnahan posted in the group Calorie Deficit Challenge

      7 months ago

      I need to start paying more attention to my fiber intake. Any suggestions for easy ways to up that?

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      • YES! I’ve been tracking my fiber for about a year. Doctor recommended me a high fiber diet. Which is always the way to go. Just had to have pain to realize it 🙄 brown lentils are incredible! If you can make a soup with them. Omg you’ll be golden. But now on a regular day to day obviously vegetables but I like to add in an apple, avocado is great. You can look for a grain bread that has good fiber like flaxseeds and chia seeds in the bread. I’d try to stay away from “keto” labels. They have synthetic fibres and it could mess with your gut. It does at least with mine. I love putting ground flax in my smoothie, hemp hearts 💕

      • I add All Bran nugget cereal (1/4 cup) to my Greek yogurt and to protein oatmeal. I also use Ole high fiber wraps for ‘bread’, wraps, snacks. Between those 2 near daily foods, berries and veggies I usually hit about 40 gm of fiber.

        • I don’t eat a ton of bread because I don’t love it, so a high fiber wrap might be a great addition to my diet. Thanks for the ideas!

      • Popcorn has more than most snacks so it’s a good way to sneak a little extra in